Mind Asplody

I don’t think I am going to be able to blog in a coherent, linear, “good writing” fashion, but what I have to write is really important for me to document.

I just had a HUGE breakthrough today and am trying to get a handle (with my puny 3D brain) about everything that has been downloaded.

Putting this stuff into words is just so damn difficult anymore — I wish I could use telepathy already just to have my brain instantly put everything down that needs to be put down, lol. Alas, I’m stuck with the stupid keyboard and trying to construct in words what I see and experience without coming across as a total nutcase (which I really do by this point, anyway, so the point is really moot. Ha).

First, an image.

{beautiful fractal landscape from fantastic-fractals.com. click on image to go to their link to check them out for yourself.}

And another:

{another beautiful fractal from cyberiapc.com. click on the pic to go to the image source page.}

Today, I had something happen to me. I described it in a comment at the Transitions site (which at the moment is in moderation and not showing up just yet, but should very soon on the post titled “Lisa Renee’s February 2012 Article“).

Here is what I wrote:

Hey Denise —

Calliope the Muse here. Sooooooo, interesting thing.

I think I portal jumped this afternoon. I got really groggy — all the solar action going on, and probably the full moon energies as well, and lord knows what else, lol. So I decided (or really was compelled) to take a cat nap.

I went into a lucid dreaming state, and was on top of a tall skyscraper swimming in what seemed to be an Olympic-sized swimming pool (I remember jumping in, and there was at least one other with me). Next thing I know, I went from the pool into a kind of tunnel or vortex [note: I recall now I was with that other being in the vortex] that I remember was composed of “energetic spaghetti” (that’s the best way I can describe it). It was electric, and orange, and I had the sensation of falling or being sucked down the vortex “hole”, at first feeling calm about it — still in that lucid dream state, until I started freaking out a little (“Oh my god I am falling down a HOLE!”)… and then I woke up.

I took several hours to sit with the understanding; in fact, not really understanding, until reading a little more information about archons and our matrix as well as timelines, etc.

I went for a walk (and smoked a cigarette — kind of awful, I know, but a little natural hand-rolled tobacco has been helping me to be in that positive “neutral zone” of late. There may be a parasite/implant at work, however, and I’m working on understanding that and knowing what/how to deal with it, if necessary, i.e., if it is impeding my transformation process or not).

The term “portal jumping” was given to me. I knew I had heard it before — seen movies, read about it online, etc. But it wasn’t until a few moments ago that I decided to Google the term… and guess where I wound up, hahahaha!

Funny thing is, I think I read this article by Lisa Renee at least a couple of times, and listened to the audio version, too, but had not remembered her speaking about portal jumping.

I had to leave a comment about it A ) because it was funny that I wound up here (still giggling about that) and B ) I needed a place to process the information a little. I may copy this over to my blog, too, but in case someone sees the comment it could be helpful. I continue to go back to Lisa’s old articles a lot to glean information in a second, third, fourth, fifth reading, and found even more info today in her Sept 2010 newsletter that is relevant to *right now* and yet another cube crop circle that showed up yesterday (see that same article where she mentions another crop formation as well as what the “cube” is).

I’m astounded at the information, and how its relevance is pertinent even a couple of years after the fact.

I’m really having to hold on to my tinfoil hat these days as the ride keeps getting nuttier and nuttier. I’m holding up, but this one threw me for a bit of a loop. I had the sense or notion that I was doing something like this, perhaps also acting as a “portal guardian” (just those little “flags” that pop up when reading and I identify with something without completely knowing why) but it is true that if I had known this earlier I would have “lost it.” Everything in its good time.

I also wanted to mention that using the 12D Shield has been very important to me — I, who doubted its usefulness three months ago — have been woken up every morning (usually 45 min before the alarm goes off and I have to truly get up) to put on my iPod and go through it in the audio version, sometimes in that half-wakeful state where I am not consciously attending to all parts of the shield process, and yet it is still working in that semi-conscious state. It has been more important as stuff like this is happening and I keep running into craziness in day-to-day life via people who are really going nutball around me.

Sorry for the book of a comment. Like I wrote, it really should be on my own blog (and I think I will copy it there as well), but it may be helpful to someone else. In addition, it helped me a lot to write about it here (a part of the community “help center” you are starting up. Which, by the way, if this is better served being put up in that place, by all means copy it there instead).

I think I also came here for a little reassurance that I am not going crazier than I already feel!! *sigh* (I keep shaking my head, too, haha.)

I hope I get (and I guess I know I will) more information about what this is about and what I need to do with it. Another scene/chapter in the story that is emerging, for sure.

Thank you for allowing me to type.

Hugs to you, and hope you are holding up all right with the M-Class solar flare that just happened.



Things I want to note:

I recommend going and reading the post at the Transitions site I linked in up there, or find it on Lisa Renee’s site, Energetic Synthesis. (The newsletter archives are here.)

There are many other links I have started to explore as a result of the experience, including the ones mentioned in the Lisa Renee February 2012 newsletter. Someone who made a comment led me to the site of  Georgi Stankov, stankovuniversallaw.com, specifically the February 2012 article here.

From that article, I jumped (ha) to the following, which I am in the middle of reading now:

What is the Role of the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT) at the Stargate 11.11.11?

Light Body Process in the End Times

How To Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process

(That article above as well as the one preceding it really explains SO very much, like why my heart keeps “fluttering” — arrhythmia —  why I keep hearing a high pitch in one ear or the other — often the right ear– and why what I think is my spleen seemed like it was swelling and going to pop for so many months, especially after eating. Of course there are the biggies, like why I had to eliminate most grains, especially wheat and gluten grains, all dairy products (the protein casein), and now, meat. Certain foods sure have been wreaking havoc on my system for more than three years.)

Then there was the September 2010 newsletter I mentioned in the comment. I was drawn to read that earlier today. Check it out, and read up especially on the part about the cube imagery. Then check this out from July 1, 2012:

{image copyright Richard Lansdowne 2012 from the Crop Circle Connector — July 1, 2012 Chilcomb Down. click on the picture to go directly to the source page of the photo and see more images there.}

Lisa links a YouTube video of a gorgeous crop circle from July 17, 2010, the Tesseract. I got all wet in my eyeballs when I watched that video and kept reading about the “tesseract” crop formation. My most favorite book when I was 11-12 years old was Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time, in which tesseracts figure prominently (as those of you who have read it will know. Also, talk about great prep for understanding the difference between “team light” and “team dark”!).

What about what will happen?

Out of curiosity and synchronicity and for the sake of practicing discernment (I think that has been the lesson I’m learning — a sort of qigong Bullshit Detection process), I have been reading a lot about drakes and snakes and hats (best taken with a grain of salt. Although salt is sometimes really tasty!), rainbow souls from faraway places and ancient Japanese art forms.

It’s really hard to know who is who and what is what. What I am learning at the moment, though, is that it does not really matter to me.

What I learned today? I am really and truly a wayshower, and soon, very soon, I am going HOME!

Yes, I am curious about how “this all” goes down. I think everyone who is the least bit aware of corrupt government, the archon “ankle biters”, etc. is curious. But I learned today in so many ways I am just not of this world and while I do care what happens, it’s not a part of my job to worry about any of it. What will be, will be.

Instead, I am going to focus on my process of continuing to develop and learn about how I can best tap into the way home.

Meanwhile, if you want to know why fixing deadlines, predicting outcomes, etc. is so difficult from a 3D vantage point, do yourself a favor and read more about fractals. THIS folks, is what time “looks like.” It ain’t no line.

{a Koch snowflake}

Any of those symbols look familiar, eh? Sayyyyy in crop circles? In diagrams of the mer-ka-bah? Check this out, too — I love watching the snowflake grow.

Anyway, with free will decisions come options and deviations. With those team dark members working at 4 and 5D, there comes deviation of timelines, which are multiple, just like a growing fractal, and not even one so neatly organized as the Koch. More like the other ones pictured above,and even more complex.

At any rate, I’m here to say that the fractal can be traveled, and I have done so today.

Now I am curious about who I was with… hmmmmm.

Enough for now. My mind asplody has taken up enough of the cyberspace for the moment.

Be well.

All joy and All love,

Calliope the Muse

P.S. a final synchronicity for me — someone on an alternative site just posted this video on Facebook. I ♥ the Grateful Dead so much! Whatever planet and dimension I am from, they sure have to be a bunch of hippies. 😀 This is one of my top three songs by the GD. So nice to see Jerry. My heart is singing now.